And honestly, I feel so busy, but I do have a decent amount of time. My class schedule seems so slack... but then I go around getting GREAT marks in organic chemistry (sarcasm! I barely passed the midterm, but then over 300 people failed, so it's saying something). And I see all of these things coming up next week... like a paper for bio, and some chem homework due, and a linguistics assignment... but right now it's too early to go to sleep but too late to start something new. Once you finish one thing, it's so much work to get the next one out.
So I finally enabled the title function on this blogger thing, so I can have titles. And I changed the layout (probably temporarily, again) just so that I can see across a decent breadth of the page. Let's throw in a recent picture, for everyone's interest. Let's see...

My sister came to visit this weekend (finally)! I've been hoping to get her up to visit sometime, but now that she has a job it's been harder. Plus, I go to my hometown pretty much every weekend. So we had a great time - watched a movie, tickle-fought all night, went shopping the next day... no homework.
And we visited R at school, and went to ... dun dun dun... the infamous Wreck Beach. R went first to make sure there wasn't anyone out there that could blind us... but it was a windy day so we were alone. The view was beautiful. We saw a bunch of seals. I took lots of pictures, randomly; R has no idea this was taken of him. It's a really nice beach. No fair the nudists get it.
So I'm kinda tired... but not tired enough to sleep. Tomorrow is a long day, and I'm going trick-or-eating at night. That's where we accept canned foods for charity, instead of candy.It's Halloween, but I really don't care. Lots of crazy people dress up on Granville; it's totally fun to see. R and I went out with his roommate Saturday night, and I felt out of place without a costume. So last-minute thinking (not my own thoughts) produced the idea of the lumberjack. Thanks to R, and his boots, gloves, lumberjack coat, and hard hat, it could go off pretty well. And I'll be super warm.
I'm going to make a between-classes trip to a dollar store and a secondhand store, to look for suspenders and/or a plastic wood-cutting device. Just so I don't have to keep telling people what I am.
R is going to the Canucks game. We are also hopefully going on a date this Friday, if all goes well. That's worth putting on the calendar.